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Cover Feature
for the Dalai Lama's Return Home
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 68-years-old and in failing
health, is making a tour of the United States in a final push to increase
popular and political support for his bid to return to Tibet. With
its new leadership solidifying power in Beijing, the Chinese Communist
Party appears more ready than ever to negotiate with the God-King,
and hopefully secure an agreement that undermines hothead young Tibetans
who think that the Palestinians' tactics are more appropriate for
international diplomacy than Gandhi's. |
and Science: A Meeting of Minds Most
know the Dalai Lama as Tibet’s leader-in-exile, a 1989 Nobel
Peace Prize winner, and the spiritual head of the worldwide Tibetan
Buddhist community. It may be hard to reconcile this image with the
more mundane background story of an insatiably curious young boy growing
up in Lhasa who liked to tinker with machines, repair clocks and cars,
and follow new research and developments in the world of science.
One female devotee has described shaking the hand of His Holiness
and being surprised by how down to earth and “manly” he
is. Indeed, the Dalai Lama has said that if he were not a monk he
would be an engineer. |
Interview with the Dalai Lama Q: I can
understand how my own mind and actions can affect my own causes and
conditions. Can they also affect world conditions like hunger, poverty,
and other great sufferings of beings everywhere? How?
A: Initiative must come from individuals. Unless
each individual develops a sense of responsibility, the whole community
cannot move. So therefore it is very essential that we should not
feel that individual effort is meaningless. The movement of the society,
community or group of people means joining individuals. Society means
a collection of individuals. |
Politics |
Business |
Kong Surprise
On July 1, a demonstration by well over half a million people in Hong
Kong caught everyone—including its organizers—by surprise.
They expected no more than 100,000 protesters, at most. |
India Overtake China?
Walk into any Wal-Mart
and you will not be surprised to see the shelves sagging with Chinese—made
goods-everything from shoes and garments to toys and electronics.
But the ubiquitous “Made in China” label obscures an important
point: Few of these products are made by indigenous Chinese companies. |
Revalue or Not to Revalue, That is the Question Facing China’s
Hysterical pronouncements about China have been issuing from
Western media headlines: “China in World Spotlight Over Currency
Controversy.” |
Art Scene
Review |
Characters Reloaded
“Either Chinese characters die or China is doomed.”
The author of these words-penned in the same ideographic text he wished
to see scrapped-was none other than the writer and rebel Lu Hsun.
China Is Reading
If your impression of Chinese reading habits is Red Guards poring
over dog-eared copies of The Quotations of Chairman Mao,
you will be amazed by the hunger of today’s Chinese for the
written word and knowledge of the world outside of China. |
in a Small Town
Tian Zhuangzhuang’s Springtime in a Small Town heralds
the long-anticipated return of one of China’s leading fifth-generation
filmmakers. Tian, along with his Beijing Film Academy cinematography
department classmates Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, revitalized Chinese
cinema in the mid-1980s, giving it an international profile that continues
to generate exposure and acclaim and garner international film awards
today. |